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A member registered Jan 26, 2022

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(4 edits)

No way. GB Patch has well-written, likeable love interests. 13Leagues makes you wait until like... the last two chapters or the last half of the final book until their love interests are even tolerable.

(1 edit)

My problem is not that Nash is being practical, but that even when MC told them in PRIVATE, they didn't have much of a reaction. Like? This is MC's partner, and they didn't seem to care at all about what had happened. Their reaction was essentially, "Man... That sucks. Oh well."

They literally cared more after the shit went down with Scytha Industries.

(3 edits)

Good writing, but I have to agree that Rohan gets off way too easily. More characters should at least care about what they did, and I feel like Nash should care more than they apparently do. It just seems like no one is on MC's side. And I feel like I'm being railroaded into forgiving Rohan myself, or at least letting it go.